Thursday, November 3, 2011

Evening folk(s)...

Well...tomorrow's Friday. Know what that means? One week until payday! WOOT! Also...glad to hear the Rebels won their exhibition game this eve against UNA (91-62); HOTTY TODDY! Hopefully the basketball season will go much better than the football season has gone *fingers crossed*.

Anyways, some other good news. Seems I've got an interview next week with an ambulance service in Winona - MedStat. Those nerves are starting to get slightly jilted again, but I'm very excited 99.9%. What's that 0.1%, you ask? It's No-Shave November. I was HOPING to successfully get through the month of November without shaving my beard for once, but I got the call yesterday morning on my way home from work about the interview, and to be quite honest, I just COULDN'T pass up the opportunity. I spent over 16mo. trying to find a job with my BBAMIS, to no avail, acquire my EMT-B cert afterwards, and within 3-4mo. of graduating and getting my NREMT-B, I have a PRN position with one service and an interview (which I have great confidence in doing great in) for a second PRN job. Can't argue with that logic.

Another great thing to add to it: my partner for Tuesday's shift is "technically" the manager of the Macon, MS station (meaning she makes out the schedules), and since a couple of Basics/Drivers are leaving, she's going to give me some full-time hours (even though I'll still be PRN). SCHWEEEEEEEET!!!! Look forward to those full-time + over-time checks!

Alright. Enough about work. What else is going on in the world of Timmy?

The NCAA "Super Bowl" is this weekend - LSUx @ Bama - and I quite frankly have no idea who to cheer for, if I even care to cheer for either in the first place lol. Either way, I think it'll be an exciting game; and on top of that, I'll get to enjoy it with some good buds in Oxford, MS. Gosh, how I miss that town!

Well, sorry I don't really have much else to say...kind of been a slow week, with the exception given to a single 6hr call I worked Tuesday afternoon/eve, but that might just be for another story (you know...HIPAA laws. Gotta be careful with what I share).

So to end this evening's blog, I'll post a video of a song written by a group called This Will Destroy You. Don't worry. It's not some heavy metal song. It's more instrumental/post-rockish. It's really awesome; knows how to calm the nerves just right. Enjoy!